Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Early Days of Deployment

Getting underway for a seventh month deployment would seem to have a difficult adjustment period, but hasn’t proved to be overly strenuous… yet. I have been told that most people act their worst in the first week, before they get into a rhythm. Work and studying for qualifications has kept me pretty busy so far and I haven’t had a lot of time to think about it or let it bother me.

Marty (A friend of mine on the ship that I am sure you will hear more about and come to know and love) and I took our arm chairs, with the much needed invention of the foot rest, out on to our patio (the aft missile deck) and talked about randomness for 30 minutes or so when we got our first break from work. Marty loved the chairs and proceeded to tell me multiple times how “money!” these chairs were and that they were probably the best investment I would make all deployment. Marty and I plan to do this every night just to give ourselves an opportunity to relax.

I am looking forward to spending sometime in Singapore. Although, I don’t yet know the things I will miss as I have only been underway for a day, I can imagine that getting to eat good food, hang out in the sun at a pool, and sleeping in a nice bed will be some of the best parts of Singapore. Yeah, yeah… I’m sure the culture and the people will be great too.

I have never been someone that sulks or mopes, so I can say that I think deployment will be fun. It’s a new experience and I’m sure I will find outrageous ship activities to entertain myself. The goofy and giddy will become hilarious. It won’t be long and I will be back to San Diego.


Anonymous said...

Just want you to know that I will be checking your blog on a regular basis to see what's up in your life aboard the Mobile Bay. I can imagine that day to day novelty may come in short supply, but we will enjoy hearing about everything (everything) you care to tell us.

In Lafayete today the weather was clear and about 65. The evening is cool, but the longer evenings and your Mom's tulips blooming are beginning to make us feel like spring is here at last.

You did a fine job guiding the Mobile Bay out to sea from San Diego Harbor. No pressure or anything, with all those people watching.

Take care of yourself, your friends, your shipmates, and us. We are very proud of you, and love you very much.

Michael Walker

Fashion Addict said...

Hi Mitch! I'm loving this blog-stuff already. Contact every 24-hour period works perfectly for this proud Navy momma :)

Would you please post your mailing address? The first CARE package is waiting to hit the postal service.

Anonymous said...

Raoul here checking in to say that we'll be keeping up with you. I reposted your entry and a link for everyone else to see as well.

And I second that on the address, we'll fire up some care packages for you as well!

Comrade said...

Mitch! What's up buddy? We kinda, sorta, maybe just a little, missed you at Taco Tuesday. I think we got demoted in terms of popularity at On The Border now that you're gone. They actually sat us OUTSIDE. Remember to not aim those missiles at my Motherland. Oh, by the way, Joel's house coordinates are 32.967816, -117.137399.


Unknown said...

Hey Mitch! Nice picture, I finally got to see what you look like in uniform, SEXAH! =P

We did miss you at Taco Tuesday, not quite the same without the pictures and porange but I think we'll be able to get by.

Be safe, don't cause too much trouble. . .altho a story about spending the night in the brig might be entertaining. . .take some pictures if you can.
much <3

Anonymous said...

G-D, those do actually look like the coordinates to my house... damn communists always trying to get other people to do their dirty work for them. I'll be moving soon, and I won't tell Alex where to. Have a fun 7 month deployment. Goodluck spotting those Chinese Kilo class attack subs!