Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Aimless Thoughts

As I stand watch on the bridge for hours at a time I get a chance to think about random things. If you can imagine your mind tends to wander if you aren’t doing a specific task. So, from 2 am to 8 am, from now until we reach Singapore, I will get the chance to think about whatever it is that crosses my mind. Last night, (this morning) for example, I tried to explore productive things that I could do when I returned from deployment that would better my life (financial situation) in the future:

Professional Athlete: If I were to spend countless hours (when I am not working) on honing my skills in some athletic event (bowling, golf, and croquet came to mind), at sometime around my 60s I think I would be in prime condition to start in some minor league and begin my professional athlete career. Considering the time constraints here I decided that I would probably have to think of something else.

Real World/Road Rules Challenge Contestant: I absolutely love the show “The Real World” on MTV. That show is filled with attractive lunatics that act like idiots and get to live in a huge mansion in some fantastic part of the United States for six months and while there, their only responsibility is to throw parties for a job (Real World Las Vegas). The best part is that even when these six months are over any member of the show gets to repeatedly appear on Challenge shows and win copious amounts of money. Plus every generation “Y” young adult in the U.S. can name the more popular people from at least the last 6 Real Worlds. Problem is that I currently have a commitment to the United States Navy and I don’t think that the Navy would let me out to embarrass myself with drunken debauchery. Darn.

Marry for Money: I really just giggled at this idea while on the bridge and then started to think about something else. Oh well…

I think this is enough rambling for the time being, but I do plan on thinking of something truly useful that I can begin to work on when I return from deployment. With how many watches I have left to stand before deployment, I will probably have a million dollar idea that I can sell right away when I return. Thing is that I will be so out of the loop on what is going on in the Americas that someone will probably already have thought the idea up, produced the product, and is making my millions.

Love and miss you all.

1 comment:

Fashion Addict said...

CARE package #1 hit the mail today! The kind folks at the Post Office here in Lafayette were wondering what happened to me after my weekly trips during your four years at USNA. They were anxious to hear what's happening with you now - I'll see them all again next week with package #2.

Kirkland brand t-shirts are "money!"

Couldn't love you more,
