Sunday, July 20, 2008


Things have been very routine and very mundane as far as work goes. I do what I need to do, and I study when I need to study and then I just get through the day doing things that I enjoy doing. Not much to talk about, really.

I got an email that said I may find my days to be not very exciting, but to some of you reading, you may find the average every day things “enthralling”. Enthralling might be an exaggeration, but here are some of the things that I look forward to while I am out here.

Mongolian Barbeque. Every so often, right after we get a new load of fresh fruits and vegetables, Mongolian Barbeque will show up on the menu. We get to go into the wardroom and pick out the vegetables that we want, the meat that we want, and the sauces that we want to mix it all up with and then the cooks stir-fry it all together and put it over rice. It always tastes great and I always skip lunch so that I am ready to eat a ton of this stuff. It isn’t a big thing, but it is something that I look forward to.

Sundays. On Sundays, as long as there isn’t anything that needs to get done, other than having to stand our six hour watch, everyone gets the day off. I always look forward to these days because I get the chance to catch up on sleep and some time to relax. I usually watch a movie and play some video games.

Those are a couple of the things that I look forward to and I will write about more of them as I think of them.

Things are starting to drag on out here. I am ready to head home, and I am looking forward to some of the little things that you forget that you enjoy so much. It has been a long time since I have gotten to go to sleep and wake up without an alarm clock. I miss the sun. I don’t get to spend nearly enough time out in the sun where I can get a tan. Whenever we pull into port it feels great to go hang out at a pool and have some drinks and get some sun.

For the most part things are good here. I miss you all and I will be back in 79 days.


Fashion Addict said...

Hi Mitch,

We're all ready for your return home too! While our routines can get monotonous just like your's, we have the luxury of going about our days in a space significantly larger than a Cruiser. I also have more than 350 others folks to break up my days with diverse personalities, senses of humor, kind gestures, etc.... don't have to look at the same faces everyday :)

I have friends whose 'kidlettes' are heading off to boarding school & college so they're expresssing difficulty with the changes happening in their lives. While I empathize with them, they have no idea how much more a deployment in the military can weigh on a family. Civilian separations can't hold a candle to what military families must endure multiple times during service to our Country.

During my weekly travels through various stores I contemplate buying things that you might enjoy. I've already got a few things stored in your old room upstairs. Thought I'd give you right of first refusal to include in your SD home before I incorporate them in our house.

I'm anxiously awaiting our first ripe tomato! They're about the size of an orange, but still green as the grass. The basil plant is ready for a daily harvest & mozzarella is just a quick trip to Costco away so I'm ready for a Caprese salad. (think that's what it's called).

Keep your spirits up by doing something good each day and rely on your faith for steadfast support. I'm counting the days also!


Unknown said...

Hey Mitch!
It's true, whatever seems boring and mundane to you is somewhat exciting and different for us cuz we don't have to go through it everyday. Can't wait to have you home; Taco Tuesday is missing the Mitch-factor.

As for Taco Tuesday, nothing too exciting to report there. More tacos and more movies. Last week was Hellboy 2; not too bad, worth seeing. This week is Dark Knight; Rome, Chris, and I went and saw the midnight showing last week, but we might go see it again. It's just that GOOD!

I had something different to do last weekend. I went up to Big Bear Lake for a Silent Weekend. Silent Weekend means that we weren't allowed to talk all weekend; we had to use our signing skills to communicate. It was pretty fun; met some new people, learned some stuff, saw different signing styles.

This week brings Comic-con. Kevin Smith will be making an appearance again this year, so that is definitely on the schedule. It is going to be one busy weekend; I'll make sure to take some pictures to share with you.

I think that's it for now. 78 days and counting. <3

Unknown said...

Hey Mitch!

I haven't been on lately because I lost the piece of paper your mom gave me with the blog website. I know, I know ... I should have your blog starred under my "Favorites" - (or you'd think I would be able to memorize it, but all my braincells are sitting in a toilet somewhere in Santa Barbara) but I'm glad I haven't been checking because I had some exciting or mundane (depending on how you want to look at it) reading to do this lovely afternoon, so thanks. You're a good narrator. Maybe you should write the next great American novel in the next 74 days. You could be the next Hemingway ... minus the alcoholism.

Plus, last time I was mighty jealous about you getting to stay in a palace (the fancy hotel) ... not to mention being on a ship with a whole bunch of hot sea men (haha ... ok, not funny. But I find myself entertaining.) ;)

I'm trying to think of something to tell you that might be semi-entertaining even, and yet, I too feel as though I live a mundane existence. Oh wait, because I do. hehe. It's not so bad. I'm going on little side trips around CA (That's why I haven't been harassing you mom and Mike lately.) and basically spending my free time sleeping. There is A LOT of sleeping going on, actually.

I will pray that you get to come home and spend days on end sleeping and basking in the sun. Maybe even sleeping WHILE basking in the sun at the same time. I hope so. haha.

We'll see you before you know it! And then you can happily carry out your mundane existence in CA with the rest of us. ;)

Miss you, see you soon, and best wishes,

Unknown said...

Hey Mitch!
Comic-con was a blast! We didn't get to see the Peanuts guy, but for a glance at what we did see you can check out the pictures and they are in the Comic-Con 2008 folder.

Teya says hi. She bartends now on Wed night so she told us we all have to go in and "watch her fall on her face." That's about the most exciting news from Taco Tues I have for ya.

Can't wait for you to get back; 62 days and counting. <3

Anonymous said...

44 days to go!

Unfortunately, that means it's been an awful lot of time since I showed up here and actually said something, doesn't it?

I end up doing the same thing - my life follows a rather specific pattern and I get lost in the cycle. While interesting things probably happen pretty regularly, it's not the first time (or the last!) so they don't seem that interesting to me. My brother got married, it was a fun (read: short) ceremony and I saw a number of relatives and friends that I rarely see. My anniversary is coming up, I'm going to the Sleep Clinic at the end of September so they can try to find out why I'm tired when I wake up, and we have a new guy at work who just might work out!
(He's replacing the guy who just decided not to come in to work any more)

Now, with the general self-perceived boringness of my life in mind, here's a few from my brother the EMT.

SnoPac: Engine 5, this is a BLS call to 50th and Rucker for an MVC, routine at this time.
Engine 5: Engine 5 received.
SP: Engine 5, Everett PD advises this is a two-car accident blocking the center lane; they have a unit en-route to the scene.
E5: Received... SnoPac, if they're en-route, how do they know which lane the accident is in?
SP: Engine 5, they're using psychics.
E5: Copy that, can they predict how many patients we'll have?
SP: They're budget psychics.
E5: Oh well... Engine 5 is enroute, request an AMB.

New MD, with an otoscope: "Patient's right pupil is round, reactive to light at three millimeters, left pupil is dilated, sluggish but responsive at five millimeters."
several other new MD's scribble in their charts
EMT, from across the room: "Uh, no, it's not."
New MD, irritated: "Hey, do you want to come do this?"
EMT, from across the room: "Patient's left eye is prosthetic."

*background: on multiple-unit calls, the first unit on scene creates a 'command' so that seperate incidents can be referred to easily. The names of these commands often involve local landmarks, like store names or clearly visible objects. This call was in response to a disabled vehicle blocking an intersection.*

Engine 6:Sno-Pac, Engine 6 is on-scene.
Sno-Pac:Engine 6, on-scene at 1741... you have Medic 5 and a Chief en route, establish a command.
E6:Recieved, Engine 6 establishing Evergreen Command.
SP:Engine 6, be advised that Engine 7 has established Evergreen Command for a separate incident.
E6:Copy that, Sno-Pac... uh... Engine 6 establishing Steaming Red LeBaron Command.
SP:Recieved, Steaming Red LeBaron Command established at 1742.

Hopefully, knowledge of some of the bright moments in other people's routines will help you recognize and enjoy the happy ones in yours.

Unknown said...

I have 39 and counting. I started back to work this week; all in all it wasn't a bad week. Had to sub for a couple classes and my boss only missed 1 person. Week 1 down, 15 to go. I have another outside class this semester so I should have a nice tan going by the end of semester. Nothing too exciting in terms of assignments I have; no welding or mechanic classes.

SD has been kind of warm and muggy. If there's a breeze it's not so bad, but a breezeless day just leaves you feeling sticky and icky.

Last week Alex brought his girlfriend to Tacos; she didn't come back this week so we might have scared her off already. She seemed like a nice girl, she might be missed. Movie season is starting to die down so not much to report there other than: Pineapple Express was funny, Tropic Thunder was funnier.

Joel is moved into his new place. Were having the house warming party Monday.

Chris got a beta key for WotLK so he's happy now. Originally this would have been a good thing cuz we thought it'd stop him from crying about not having a beta key, but now we can't get him to shut up about the beta...guess there's just no winning there.

Hmm, I guess that's it for now. <3

Fashion Addict said...

O.K. soh (pronounced the way it is on the video :)... where are you & what are you doing there? I obviously don't have enough 20-somethings to torment when you're deployed! Melanie probably started law school already as we haven't seen or heard from her lately either.

Talk about feeling obsolete...

Unknown said...

My uncle sent me this link and while viewing it I thought of you =)

20 days and counting!

Fashion Addict said...

Happiness Factor?

Mine's up there around "9" right now that you're heading for American soil. woo-whoo!