Friday, May 9, 2008

Swimming Pools, Beaches, and Being Tan

For the past week or so I have been working quite a bit on my Officer of the Deck qualification. I passed my murder board, and I was told that it went fairly well. A murder board is where people come and ask you questions related tothe qualification prior to your actual board so that you can see where you are at prior to your real board. I am especially excited about getting this qualification finished because of two reasons:

One, I will stand this watch for a short period of time, and then I will get to stand watch in combat. This might not mean much to some of you, but it basically means that I can get work done more quickly, and I will be standing watch with the people in my division, which means more time with them.

Two, once I have this qualification I will get the opportunity to go to SWOS. SWOS ( I don’t know what the acronym stands for) is a class that all Surface Warfare Officers go to that is located in Rhode Island. The class is three weeks long and I will get to come back to the States for a short period. For the momma (because I am sure you are overly excited) I don’t know when I will get to go to SWOS, but as soon as I do know the dates I will let you know.

It will be nice to get a chance to eat at some good restaurants, go to New York City or Boston, just to be back in America in general. It is hard to say exactly what it is about the being in the U.S. that makes me want to be back there. There is always the food, your own bed, driving, girls and clubs and drinking, but it isn’t necessarily any one thing. The U.S. is just better than everywhere else. Cliché, I know.

One thing out here that are pretty cool are the sunsets. I haven’t taken any recent pictures of the sunsets, but I have something better, something back from the good ol’ mustache days:

Man, what nice staches… and Marty is jumping in:

Hey hey it’s Marty… remember me? Well, things are really moving along out here. I had a really interesting day. My VBSS team (the guys who board other ships) did our first training mission. So, after nearly ten years in the Navy… I finally got to ride in a helicopter. It was kind of cool… in an old school Vietnam movie kind of way. I just needed a little Creedance Clearwater Revival in the background to complete the scene. We took a small boat back to our ship and unloaded our gear. I was really exhausted and hungry as I stood the late watch the night before (as I do every night actually) and had to miss breakfast to catch my flight. There were some cameras going so if I can I will include a picture of two in the near future of me dressed up in my “tactical” outfit.
This is a very interesting operating area and the US Navy plays a big role out here. More specifically, WE are playing a big role in the operations. They like to phrase it “the pointy end of the spear”. Well, it should make for some great sea stories as guys like Mitch and I earn our salt. Hope everything is great state-side… I should be home in less than two months!

-Marty Blomberg

P.S. Special thanks to Diane for sending the great care packages… those instantly become the property of the room… and I probably snack more on those goods than Mitch does.

On that note the packages have been great. I love getting the magazines and the nice assortment of snacks and workout food. I think I have gotten more mail/packages than anyone else on board. The amount of broken cardboard that is left in a pile in our room after a mail call is absurd.

My typing is a bit loud right now as my roommates have gone to sleep. I will write again soon.


Fashion Addict said...

Way to go with your work on the Officer quals. Getting some of that stuff behind you has got to be a good thing. The other folks in your Division that I had the pleasure of meeting seem like a great group so your being able to work more closely with them should help in changing the monotony of the day.

Again, your photos are fun & amusing! If I didn't know better I'd swear you guys were farting around at a Halloween party or something :) The sunset is beautiful...guess 100 degree weather makes for colorful evenings.

I'm thrilled that my efforts at putting together reasonable CARE packages are enjoyed & appreciated. I always welcome suggestions or specific requests for goodies. Michael & I just made a stop for a bunch of magazines. The next box will have a variety for your reading enjoyment. It includes "Inc." (articles about how to get Rich from a Recession), "Best Life" (special look-great-for-life issue with article on how to get a flat belly in just 3 weeks), "GQ" (Karl Rove reveals how the GOP will destroy Hillary & dismantle Obama), "Time" (100 most influential people in the world), "Newsweek" (The Post-American world), "The Economist" (Angry China article), & for the girlies - "People" (Mariah's secret wedding to Nick Cannon). I know you're anxiously awaiting this package. It's off to the Post Office for me tomorrow morning...
I couldn't stand for any other stateroom to be the recipients of more goodies than you guys!

SWOS? I love SWOS! I'll be available to spoil you up in some very civilized place on the right coast whenever you get there. A weekend in Boston sounds good to me too.

Marty - Your days sound really exciting. (That's another way for a parental unit to express thoughts about something that sounds like it would scare the crap out of me if I knew what you were really training for!) I'll look forward to your posting photos in full gear, etc. I've got some Creedance Clearwater music from my college days that I'm going to play while reading your next blog installment :)
I know you guys are a sharp spear, however I'd prefer that another Cruiser were there in your stead.
Some wimpy duty around Italy would be my preference for the Mobile Bay.

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy. I'm sending a big bottle of multi-vitamins to help in the effort. I know it might not be necessary, but consistant stress with a marginal diet can take it's toll on the best of you. Make this momma happy and pop one everyday. I'll be the drug dealer of multi-vitamins for your stateroom. Don't tell anyone...

Couldn't love you more.

Unknown said...

SWOS - Surface Warfare Officers School? maybe? just guessing. . .

Gorgeous pictures! If we didn't know better we'd think you were on vacation on some exotic island.

Nothing too exciting happening back in San Diego. The Padres still suck and I've lost count on how big of a losing streak they are on. It's starting to feel more like spring around here with the afternoons staying around the 70s.

Taco Tuesday remains the highlight of our week. . .although last week not one drop of alcohol was ordered (was rather scary), and Joel WAS there. Speaking of Joel his friends intervened and made him swear off alcohol for the month; it was that or he had to go see a shrink. Ironman FUCKING RULES! OMG it was so nice to have a decent movie for a change. That's the SD update. <3

P.S. Those 'staches still crack me up.

Anonymous said...

Amazing isn't it, Susan isn't lying. Of course she left out the 4 glorious days I spent in Las Vegas that lead up to my intervention. Anytime Hotel Security has to wake you up is a good day. It happened to me the first 2 days I was there. Once because I put a narcoleptic with sleep apnea out on the 31st floor balcony so I could get some sleep. Turns out he was snoring so loud he woke a kid up... 2 floors down. Who brings their children to Vegas anyways??? 18 Straight days of drinking and my friends made me stop on Cinco de Mayo... then they all had beers while I had a coke. I can prove I'm no alcoholic, I just wish I remembered Memorial Day Weekend... damn it. There's been a few good movie nights after Tacos. Hopefully you'll make it back to San Diego in time for some of the good Summer movies. Other than that not much up with me, I moved branches, so now I'm in Mira Mesa. I thought all those rich people in Rancho Bernardo were too pretentious, so now it's back to Mass Market. I've already chased one kid out who felt the need to curse repeatedly and kick the doors. He went running when he saw me coming around the corner... pity. Congrats on your school and new found "smellback" status. Give as good as you got on the way back.