Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dances with Wolves (Kevin Kostner mostly)

Sorry I haven’t been able to post recently. Things have been very busy at work the past few days, but it does really make time go by much more quickly. It has already been two weeks, and that means that I am one fourteenth done with deployment, I just need to do this 13 more times and I am home to warm sunny San Diego.

So I have told most of you all how the Navy likes to inflict pain upon the people that work oh so hard for it, with things such as pepper spray to the face. Now as tough as I am it’s not a big deal for me, but as you can imagine, for a normal person these things are pretty painful. Because the Mobile Bay is on its way to Singapore, certain precautions must be taken… Anthrax and Smallpox! I have been given two Anthrax shots now (people say they burn, but I don’t think its too bad, leaves a big red mark though) and they have infected a small area on my shoulder with Smallpox. The Smallpox has grown into a blister, popped and is starting to scab over, but they itch like you cannot believe.

As for Ryan and Dan who left a wonderful post on my last blog entry, sorry about not letting you know about the blog. I told Jon to tell you, I don’t know if he did, but you found it and now here you are, reading about wonderful old me.

We had an underway replenishment the other day and I got to run the entire show. I was up on the bridge-wings, over the hydra radios giving permission to start rigging, and begin fuel pressure. The ship was basically at my mercy. Here is a picture to show:

Now while you are all amazed at how powerful I am in the Navy, none of that is true. I was actually just up on the bridge while we were doing an UNREP and I mentioned that my parents would love a picture of this. The Commanding Officer had his camera, and told me to go up and take a picture. I walked up there and he called me back and gave me a radio, telling me to act like I was doing something important. Gotta love it rents… you gotta.

Thanks Dan and Ryan for the PS’s in the comments to the last blog entry. Good memories. Let me know when y’all are coming out to fly jets in San Diego. Also have you heard anything about Danny, and where he is headed, I am really curious.

I need to go now, because my ship is about to run an air defense exercise and I need to go pretend to blow up bad guys. I will write again soon. You can look forward to my mustache picture next time. Worst thing I have ever had on my face… it really is gross thanks Asian blood.


Anonymous said...

Now that's an excellent 'in charge' photo. I don't have half a clue what else is there, but it looks impressive.

Okay, enough silliness.
It's good to be able to read up on what you're doing, hear that you are finding ways to use your time (in what might be considered productive or not, it really doesn't matter), and most of all that you enjoy the other people on your ship.

In several months when you get back, you'll still be sane, fun, and making all the right kinds of trouble.

Comrade said...

Thanks for not addressing my very serious question on UFOs. Shows the kind of friend you are.

No tacos for you!

Unknown said...

Hey Mitch,

Can you please turn off the sonar -I'm worried about the jelly fish.

Have you been able to catch any of the March Madness action?

The baseball season just started as well - by the time you get back San Diego will probably already be out of the race!

The blog idea was great man - keep it up.

Fashion Addict said...

This 'rent' really loves the photos! Thanks much for making the effort to take & post them. You Navy-types might find them a snore but the rest of us like seeing parts of your day along with your comments.

Coming soon to the USS Mobile Bay Cinema:

I am Legend
Dan in Real Life

PB Rice Krispy Treats :)
Orville Redenbacher's Buttered Popcorn

Life's Good - be kind to yourself and those around you....

Fashion Addict said...

I'm looking forward to your next guest writer/contributor. Who's up next?

Dan, Tim, Nisa, Alex, Jessie or maybe a second appearance by Marty?


Unknown said...

Ok that's pretty nasty about your arm. . .isn't there something in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment? hmm

So your titles are things you guys are missing for that day, but if you could make a list of things you wouldn't mind seeing in a care package what would you want?

As for the Padres they played their opening game yesterday and WON! I don't have Cox so I didn't get to watch it cuz they black it out for every carrier that isn't Cox =( but from the highlights it looked like a good game.

If you get a chance send me an email (I put it in your phone for a reason) so I can send you some wonderful pictures =)

Good to hear you are doing well, I'll have a taco for you tonight. <3

Unknown said...

How dare you insult your precious Asian blood: it's clearly the most competent part of you. Plus, maybe they'll be able to tell in Singapore and give you free noodles or rice or something. ;)

Your mom gave me your blog. I was on the phone, turning left on Quandt, and this silver beamer in front of me was doing weird things and driving all slow and crazy (I was thinking, must be asian) ... then it pulled up to my house and your mom steps out. (To clarify, I think your mom {Diane, I think you're a good drive} is a good driver. I realize now, that was just doing strange things to get my attention.)

Erinn said...

Hey Cousin Mitch or should I call you "sir". Looks like you are doing well. Deployments arent too bad, you get used to it after a while. Let me know if you would like me to send you anything from sunny Hawaii. Be safe and Have fun.
~Cousin Erinn

Emily said...

Hey its your Cousin Emily... it is incredibly interesting reading all about the blog of a cousin that I hardly get to see or talk to. Good thing we got blood to keep us connected. Tell that new facial hair.. Cousin Emily says welcome to the family.

Emily said...

AHH!! is that your moms picture!
man.. we are such a cute family

Fashion Addict said...

Hugs to my sweet nieces, Erinn & Emily. And yes, that photo is me a couple of years ago :)