Friday, April 11, 2008

Air Conditioning

So, here on the open ocean it is about 80 degrees in my stateroom. It makes for lots of sweating and luckily most of my job takes place in Combat, an area that is kept at a comfortable 50 degrees. We have air conditioning, but with my stateroom having three of four bulkheads receiving direct sunlight, the air doesn’t cool very well. It’s not too bad and somewhat reminds me of those hot nights, long ago during plebe summer (you know what I am talking about all you fellow Academies and Chris).

Oh a quick response to Chris’ comment. Tell Teya I say, “Hi” and that I will be back soon enough and she can just save up all the fun for when I return. Also, she doesn’t mean to ignore you it’s just that without me… well yeah she means to ignore you.

Back to the fun. Today we are doing some operations with the carrier that put us directly in front of the carrier, about 1 mile (nautical mile that is) in front of her. Marty and I took a quick pic for all the readin’ folk out there:
The Navy at its finest. I know that the momma likes pics of the boy better when he smiles so this one is for the momma:
In all his glory Marty has an addition to the blog:

It just keeps getting hotter! We are so far south that if we go any farther it will actually get cooler. The mustache thing was fun and funny for a while by I think that the seven of us (or so) that still have ours are about ready to part ways with them.

I have had a good couple of days. I made my first phone calls, got a package in the mail, and have had a couple of great workouts. Oh, and as usual I just continue to dominate the entire Pacific Ocean with my watch team!

This is the third time that I have sailed in these waters. The first was during 9/11 when I was stationed on the USS Princeton. We stayed underway for over three months straight and played a big role in Operation Enduring Freedom. Luckily, we shouldn’t have to stay out that long this time without pulling in to some ports.

I only have a couple of months left on Mobile Bay and the pressure is on for me to finish a major engineering qualification called EOOW. That is pronounced “E-OWW”. Nothing fun about studying for it but I must finish it before the transfer.

That’s it for today… take care folks. –Marty

Thanks Martin. I am getting really excited for Singapore. I have a hotel for a couple of nights there that has a swim up bar, a casino and good food. I want to just relax some and spend some time out at the pool. People keep asking me what I am going to do in Singapore, but I don’t know yet. I think because so much of my days on the ship are scheduled hour by hour that I would much prefer to just be spontaneous. There is a night safari that everyone says is cool (especially drunk), but I don’t know if that’s something that I want to plan. I would rather just decide, “Hey! I wanna go tromp around buzzed and see animals!”

I got my fourth package from the rents yesterday. Thank you. The boxes are filled with good stuff. I could use some power bars. With me working out a lot I need something to eat right after working out (Vanilla Crisp, Banana, and Peanut Butter are the best flavors).

I miss y’all and I hope things are going well on your end. In the comments post some things that you all have been doing. Enough about me lets hear about all of you.


Fashion Addict said...

Hi Mitchell,

Everything's great with us here at home. The only thing that could possibly make it better is if you were safely back on American soil along with all of your shipmates!

We're heading to the City tonight to watch the SF/St. Louis baseball game where I plan to consume a basket full of garlic fries in your honor. I usually pass on this culinary delight because the lingering garlic odor could offend my clients, but tomorrow will be a leisurely day at home - so what the heck!

The Lafayette Flag Brigade is continuing their monthly (11th of every month) show of Military support on the El Curtola freeway overpass of Hwy. 24. I had the best intentions to join them this evening until the baseball opportunity prempted my plans.

Be sure to check out their website at:

They're a sincere group of local folks who have been showing their unwaivering support of the military since September 11, 2001.

Just a reminder that you have one of their flags that they'd like flown on the Mobile Bay & returned for the huge Anniversary Celebration on 9.11.2008. They would appreciate everyone's signature on the flag if you find that appropriate. (Marty, doesn't your Division handle this type of stuff?) I'm especially fond of this group because of their longevity. Most ass-hat liberals here in California have long forgotten...

On another note(s):

-Your white t-shirts look especially "crisp" & bright in the photo. Could they be Kirkland & Polo brand? :)

-Your favorite energy bars will be included in the next package.

-Speaking from a momma's perspective... I hope you've advised Marty's Momma where to find your blog. She'll enjoy the photos and guest writings by Marty as much as I do!

Coming Soon to the Mobile Bay Cinema:

Juno (voted Best Quips by an actress - by me!)

Special hello to Marty!

Have a fantastic time in Singapore!

Stay Safe, Stay Cool, I'm missing you still. xo

Fashion Addict said...

Holy Crap! I just went back and looked at your photos again. How cool are your jobs? Hmmm... you guys could have some recent college graduate, mundane, entry-level civilian position making just a little more than squat each month or what you're currently doing with multi-billion dollar American military might.

I appreciate your choices.

Unknown said...

Hi Mitch!
Nothing too exciting happening here in San Diego. The weather has gone from cool to gorgeous so there will be many outdoor activities occurring this weekend. Alex, Rome and I (maybe Joel and Chris too) will be hitting up the Renaissance Faire in Escondido this weekend. . .I'll have a turkey leg in your honor =)

I did take some Taco Tuesday pictures for you a couple weeks ago, eventually I will get around to uploading them to at least provide a link for you.

Speaking of Taco Tuesday we are still on track for making Alex cry every Taco Tuesday, so have no fear we are keeping your tradition going. Also, Tia stopped by and said hi; she's looking for someone else to torture in your absence.

Think that's it for now. /salute
<3 Susan

Comrade said...

HEY! I cry because I'm so happy! *sigh* I can't help it, my face produces tears when there is great laughter to be had.

Mitch, why didn't you answer my question? It's a serious question about some of the oddest anomaly out in open water.

Anonymous said...

Hey ya baby doll. When I read your stories, my eyes flow like the Tigris and Euphrates together at last. One river for each eye. Aint nothin like a good cry. As for you. I hope you are doing well. I sure am. Im all like living in San Diego. A few days ago I surgically removed that robot chassis from my body. We were right, it was giving me superhuman abilities... The doctors called the CIA and the CIA called the President and the Pres said "What the hell do you think you are doing!?! Take that thing off or I will send you to the moon without an oxygen mask!" And I was all like "That sounds horrible. I'll take it off." I got a picture with him and he didnt seem so upset.

I miss you. I miss George Washington. I miss you more that George.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's Faith, It's nice to hear your fairing well. I hope the Sea treats ya well.

Stay sharp mang.

P.S If you find any jerks on board, remember to upper-cut and POMPYRO.